Final Project
Your Topic, audience and data set can now be submitted and are due 10/11!
Your Big idea and proposed tool can now be submitted and are due 10/27! Before completing, please read through the big idea summary.
Create something remarkable!
Your job in this course is to take a raw data set and weave a story out of it. How you tell that story is up to you, but it should be effective, engaging and remarkable.
Project Requirements
All projects will produce:
- An insightful, data-based story with a clear connection to the “American Dream” broadly interpreted (work with raw data)
- A presentation of that story with a well defined audience and goals
- A methodology write up describing what you did to the data to produce the final story
- An audience assessment tool
- A 5-10 min presentation of the project to our class
While it is possible to produce something remarkable on your own, I’d very much like to encourage you to form groups of 2-4 for this project. It will not only make the work easier, but very often the best ideas come from collaborative communities.
Key Dates
Final product: 11/27
Project examples
A long-form journalism article telling a data-driven story, with accompanying flat visuals, that tries to explain a complex issue of importance to a naïve audience
A physical sculpture for installation in a public venue or suitable for a museusm setting, that re-interprets data in an artistic way to attract attention and interest of potentially interested passers-by
An interactive online text-based game that leads users through a set of data to evoke an emotional response and a call to action to do something about the issue
A collaboration with a community group to analyze their data and create a set of visuals that help them tell their story to funders and community in a new way
A comparative study of how people perceive and can operate on different presentations of data
A video designed for a targeted YouTube audience
A data story told through slides in a business or non-profit context - designed to convince upper management to act on a recommendation.
Data Sources
A constantly evolving list of data sources can be found on our resources page.
Inspiration for this asignment comes from Data Storytelling Studio: Climate Change