What Gets Counted?
Reproducible data analysis
and RStudio
Review and to do
what gets counted reflects the priorities, biases, interests, politics, etc… of those in charge of counting
Without quantitative research, Oakley explains, “it is difficult to distinguish between personal experience and collective oppression.”
What did you walk away with from the readings?
What is the relationship between quantitative data and power?
What are the tradeoffs involved in transforming human experience into a number?
What does it mean for a data analysis to be “reproducible”?
Near-term goals:
Long-term goals:
Packages are the fundamental units of reproducible R code. They include reusable R functions, the documentation that describes how to use them, and sample data1
As of September 2023, there are over 19,000 R packages available on CRAN (the Comprehensive R Archive Network)2
We’re going to work with a small (but important) subset of these!
function and loaded with the library
function, once per session:$
rmarkdown and the various packages that support it enable R users to write their code and prose in reproducible computational documents
In the past we would generally refer to R Markdown documents (with .Rmd
extension), e.g. “Do this in your R Markdown document”
these days Quarto is the next generation and we will use .qmd
Fully reproducible reports – each time you render (knit) the analysis is ran from the beginning
Simple markdown syntax for text
Code goes in chunks, defined by three backticks, narrative goes outside of chunks
The environment of your R Markdown document is separate from the Console!
Remember this, and expect it to bite you a few times as you’re learning to work with QMD (R Markdown)!
Every assignment / report / project / etc. is an QMD document
You’ll always have a template QMD document to start with
The amount of scaffolding in the template will decrease over the semester
What Gets Counted?
Reproducible data analysis
and RStudio
Ch. 8, “Importing Data” ;
Ch. 4, “Data Transformation”;
Ch. 6 “Data Tidying”
in: Wickham, Çetinkaya-Rundel, and Grolemund R for Data Science
Assignment 3
Econ 255 - Data Storytelling