Data Story Principles and Examples

Dr. Nathaniel Cline

Warm-Up Exercise

USAID agriculture infographic

  1. What data sets are used?
  1. How are the data presented?
  1. What is the core story the infographic is trying to tell?
  1. What works to tell this story and what doesn’t? Should anything be added or removed?



The R Programming Language


Visualizing Data


Data, Pictures, and Stories


Review and to do

Tools available

There are a huge number of data visualization tools, why use R which has a relatively steep learning curve?

  • Flexibility
  • Industry standard
  • Translation to other languages


Rstudio environment


UNVotes Visualized

UNVotes Visualized

UNVotes Visualized

UNVotes Visualized

UNVotes Visualized

UNVotes Visualized

UNVotes Visualized

UNVotes Visualized

UNVotes Visualized

UNVotes Visualized

UNVotes Visualized

UNVotes Visualized

UNVotes Visualized

Your turn

You will be asked to work on this markdown document in posit.Cloud - a web based version of R-Studio.

Visit our RStudio site to start the project.

RStudio cloud will cost $5 a month to join.

First Assignment

Once you complete your registration for positCloud, you will be able to access the first assignment.

This will create a copy of the assignment for you and you can edit away.

Select all files, export them (name the file something convenient) and email it to me.

Cairo’s Principles

  • Truthful
  • Functional
  • Beautiful
  • Insightful
  • Enlightening

Healey’s Principles

  • Good aesthetics
  • No substantive issues
  • No perceptual issues
  • Honesty and good judgement

Principles applied

  • Let’s take a moment to put these principles into action

  • We will return to our usual set of questions, but let’s first focus on apply Cairo and Healey to some visualizations

Class Critique

Changing face of America

Class Critique

Changing face of America

Class Critique

Changing face of America

Pair and Share

Now its time to talk with eachother! Pair up with someone to discuss your visualization.

  • introduce yourselves

  • describe what you chose for your visualization (what is the data, form of presentation, and main story)

  • focus on whether it is effective or not using Cairo and Healey

  • After 5 min, switch

Doesn’t the data just speak for itself?

  • Why care about visualization, design, stories, or any of this?

  • Isn’t this all too soft - shouldn’t we just rely on the hard facts?

Show me the data!

head(my_data, 10)
# A tibble: 10 × 2
       x     y
   <dbl> <dbl>
 1  55.4  97.2
 2  51.5  96.0
 3  46.2  94.5
 4  42.8  91.4
 5  40.8  88.3
 6  38.7  84.9
 7  35.6  79.9
 8  33.1  77.6
 9  29.0  74.5
10  26.2  71.4

[1] 54.26327
[1] 47.83225
cor(my_data$x, my_data$y)
[1] -0.06447185

oh no

Stories and facts


  • scrutinize and fight facts we don’t like

  • bend or break facts to support biases

  • corrective facts can strengthen misinformation

  • visualized facts are harder to reject


  • engage more of the brain

  • form a connection between storyteller and listener

  • increase attention and empathy

  • can reduce skepticism and increase openness

  • enhance comprehension



The R Programming Language


Visualizing Data


Data, Pictures, and Stories

To do



Chapter 4 in Fundamentals of Data Visualization (Wilke 2018)

Summary of CRAP graphic design principles from Presentation Zen (Reynolds 2008)

Chapter 4 in Effective Data Storytelling (Dykes 2020)



RStudio Cloud Primers

UNdata exercise